
Showing posts from October, 2011

Alamy take Paypal

Alamy has started accepting Paypal as form of payment for your royalties.  This is great news for several people who already use the service and this will allow for users to get access to their royalties even faster.  Sign up for Alamy here . Dear Contributor, Good news – we have made some improvements to the way in which we pay our contributors. We are now offering PayPal – we can pay you in GBP, USD or EURO’s via PayPal. If you opt for PayPal we will send your payment so that you do not pay any PayPal fees. If you do not have a PayPal account or would like to know more please see the PayPal website . If you already have a PayPal account and would like to be paid this way please enter your PayPal details by logging into My Alamy , selecting Change your Payment and Tax details and then selecting Change details . To be paid by PayPal in the October payrun you need to update your details by October 2nd. For more information on how we pay you please...

Veer Improves Subscription Royalties

Veer makes good with their contributors after a large outcry on the very low subscription rates they announced in September.  They have gone back to the drawing board and raised the rates to a more industry standard with some extra bonuses compared to the other guys in town.  Below is there full write up on how the royalties brake down for contributors.  Veer Subscription Royalties Update Last week Veer announced its plan to launch a subscription service. Though we expected the response to be positive, we offered contributors the opportunity to opt out of the program if they so desired. The response from contributors has been loud and clear. Obviously we missed the mark. We’ve asked for your feedback and have been listening carefully over the last few days as we went back to the drawing board to revise our royalty model. Two key issues were raised by contributors: 1. Basi...