Veer Launches Royale Collection
Veer launched this week a new collection of highly stylized and eye catching images called Veer Royale. As several of the stock photography companies image count grows it is getting harder and harder to find some of those outstanding images. As a new trend companies are creating top class collections on their sites to help put the best of the best in front of their customers. Check out the info below. Today we are excited to share with you some sweet news: the launch of Veer Royale – a new collection of images and illustrations designed to highlight the best of Veer . Stretching across a variety of subjects, our editors have been on the lookout for content that is unique and highly stylized with strong aesthetic appeal. Royale is designed to help customers looking for eye-catching imagery find a filtered set of results with just a click. Some of you may already see a few of your images in the collection, and if you don't, keep sending us your best and there's a c...