123RF Adds New Features

123RF launches two new features to their site.  First up Audio is coming to the site and they will allow you to set your price points per a chart.  See below for how to upload your stock audio and the royalty breakdown.  Second they have announced a new image size of ML which will push everything up 1 credit from the Large price point.  A full chart is listed below.  Sign up for 123RF look for the link on the right size.

Adding 'Audio Stock' to its list of endless digital creative content, 123RF is inviting Audio Composers and Authors to send in their audio clips, sound effects, music tracks and compilations to be included in its all-encompassing collection.

You'll be able to access a worldwide clientele via the 123RF.com platform. 123RF can now be viewed as the ideal launch pad for audio professionals looking to market their projects to the creative industry.

Contributors get 30% to 60% of the selling price. And the best part is, you get to decide how to price your project using our 5-tier pricing system as showed below :

*Contributors can choose to price their creations to suit the complexity of their work.

Uploads are done via FTP and we will even provide a CSV import function for those with a large collection. We've even included a comprehensive audio content submission guide on 123RF.com’s blog:http://www.123rf.com/blog/blog.php?idblog=b1000254 for your reference. It doesn’t get more convenient than that!

We are pleased to announce that ML sized images will be available for sale at 123RF.com. Thus, prices for all current images, L size and above will be revised.

Below is 123RF's previous image price list:

S size 1 credit
M size 2 credits
L size 3 credits
XL size 4 credits
XXL size 5 credits

And this is what it'll look like following the introduction of the new “ML”image size:

S size 1 credit
M size 2 credits
ML size 3 credits
L size 4 credits
XL size 5 credits
XXL size 6 credits

The Royalty Commission (RC) requirements will remain in effect, with L sizes and above gaining an additional 1 credit as shown below:

L 4 RC

Note : With the introduction of the ML size, we are offering our clients the opportunity to purchase images of L size and above at their original prices before the new price list is fully implemented. This promotion campaign will run until March 31st, 2013.


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