Big Stock Photo and Keywords
BigStockPhoto has done some tweaking with their key-wording program when you upload your images. The new built in code will highlight words that my be copyrighted or have other issues. This will save you time for any keyword rejections you might get for the above reasons. Check it out.
We now have an alert system in place for uploaders on the Uploaded Image Queue area that shows you if you have a potentially problematic word in your TITLE, DESCRIPTION or KEYWORD area.
There are a couple hundred words that we are not allowed to use such as commercially trademarked names like "Scrabble" or "Kleenex". etc., as well as a some prohibited dirty words, and other trademarked names and items such as Ford automobiles or the Chrysler Building that we can have as Editorial if they are potentially newsworthy images, but that we cannot license as Standard License imagery.
The new Problem Keyword Alert system is intended to simply make you aware of the potentially problem terms, and ask you to review your images as such, before submitting.
You are not required to remove the problem words, the alert system merely acts as a warning that the problem terms exist within your data.
Please contact with any questions. Thanks!
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