Alamy Summer Updates
Alamy has launched several new updates just in time time for the summer. Take a look below at the highlights of the new features that they now offer.
As of March 25th they launched digital model and property releases that can be reused per images and are also available at the click of a mouse. Also part of the model release world, Alamy now takes the widely popular "ID Release" iphone app that lets you get a signed off model release right in the field. This app will email you and the model a PDF version right from your phone, ipad, or ipod touch.
As of last week Alamy began accepting 24MB instead of the required minimum of 48MB. This is going to stream line the work flow of several photographers who had to upsize their images to the correct format of 48MB. They do stress not to downsize your images to the 24MB size. This is great news for my self as I can dump the special Alamy folder that had all the upsized images.
Coming this June 2010 Alamy will be launching a news 24/7 news feed that will be streaming current events via their editorial images. This is a great new concept and exposure for these type of editorial images. More details to come later when the program launches
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