iSyndica Upgrades

iSyndica has launched a few extra upgrades to their site.  You can now enter in sales statistics of any site into their system.  This will help if you want all your data in one spot, currently they automatically support around 30 sites.  Also, do you have an ipod...if so check out their ipod at which gives you stats at your finger tips where ever you go.

The write up is below:

You can upload your earnings for custom channels using CSV files.
First >> Go to the analytics screen and locate the upload bar at the bottom.

The format of your file needs to be either .csv or .txt. We accept any file for which:

 - Data is separated by comas:, or quoted comas: ","
 - The first field is a date such as "05/10/2010" or "2010/05/10" or "2010-05-10" *
 - The second field is your sales count (or number of downloads) | Value should be an integer
 - The Last Field is the total commission amount in the provided currency | Value should be a decimal/ floating number.




*IMPORTANT: Note that dates need to correspond to either US or ISO conventions:YYYY MM DD or MM DD YYYY
The following for example will not work: 2/5/2010 for May 2nd will be read as February 5th

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