Pocketstock Drops Payout Rate
Great news over at Pocketstock!!! They have dropped their payout rate to $30 instead of the ultra high old rate. For a new company whose sales could be slow at first it is good to know that the $30 mark is in striking distance and more in line with the industry standard. Below is the write up of what is new at the company.
Here is your update on the latest news from Pocketstock.
Some of you may not be aware that although we have been actively seeking new content since April, Pocketstock was launched to customers in August, meaning our images have been available for sale for a relatively short time.
Since August we have been hard at work building our customer base, which takes time. Progress has been relatively slow but that is something to be expected when a new company enters into such an aggressively competitive marketplace that is driven by discounting, offers and subscription.
Over the last two weeks, as part of our drive to sell to the top global brands we have seen a promising increase in sales activity and in a few days time, we will launch the next phase of our sales initiative: Pocketstock Packages.
Pocketstock Packages will bring us in line with the most popular industry pricing models and will give us the ability to compete more directly with all of the top selling agencies.
The introduction of Pocketstock Packages also means that we will not currently be offering the bidder method of image purchase, as it no longer fits in with the new model.
Having listened to your comments and feedback, we have decided on two new changes that we hope will be of benefit to you.
- Early next month, we will be implementing a new image review system that will greatly benefit you, as it will help your images move through our system in a matter of hours rather than days. More will follow on this in the coming couple weeks.
- We have also decided, as part of an Industry review, to lower our contributor minimum payment to $30. This means as soon as your sales hit $30 you can get paid.
Our priority is to sell your images and we are working extremely hard to make that happen, but the fact is, no new agency can be successful in this industry in a short time period.
So, as a new agency, we won't promise a mass of sales straight away but with your continued support, I can promise that you will see your sales start to grow over the not too distant future.
As ever, I am always available if you need to get in touch.
Best regards
Tavis Wright
Head of Creative
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