Dreamstime Updates
They crew at Dreamstime has been busy so far the 2010. Below is a highlight of great additions already added in January.
First up they have not got an option to purchase multiple license for an image. You can find this option under the image details tab and select away.
On January 12th they launched a new download format for buyers. You now have the option to get almost any image in their database as a TIFF file.
Dreamstime has made it an option for several images to opt in or out of several extended license sales. There is a button that you can choose to turn on or off at your DT command center as I like to refer to it as. Also, if you have the option turned off a contributor can send an automatic request to you of providing them an extended license option. EL options are big cash cows for contributors, so I would think you would like to leave this option on for all your images unless something special is going on with one of your images.
On January 8th they added a little button in the command center that talks about excursive options. Most contributors might over look this, but once you click on it DT will estimate what you are making now and what you could be making if you are exclusive with them. I personally am not excursive with any stock site as its not worth it for me, but DT would be my leading choice if that was the case.
Dreamstime right now has 7.5 million images and 80 thousand photographers
Sign up for Dreamstime HERE
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