Alamy Contracts Updated

Alamy is updating their Contributor Contracts to address the new offering of video and news content.  This is great news for several photographers who shoot heavy in the editorial category.  It will also be a great new outlet for stock video users.  We will let you know when the new features launch.  Until then checkout the full write up below and head over to look at the contract updates.

We've updated the standard Alamy Contributor Contract in order to include definitions and clauses for both our upcoming offerings in video and news content.

Other than the odd grammar tidy up, nothing else has been changed.
As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to email Member Services who will be happy to help. During UK office hours, they have a fantastic average response time of less than one hour.
Also, for up to the minute news, musings and interesting links, be sure to follow @AlamyContent on Twitter. We've also got a Facebook page you can now 'like' - so please come and say hello.
Best regards,
The Alamy Content Team


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